Our vocation
Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation.
The Birimian rocks
Birimian’s origins stem from a paradox:
while more than 50% of diamonds and gold sold internationally come from Africa, most of the value is captured outside the continent reflecting how little local communities benefit from their contribution.
Like in the extractive industries, Africa is rich in talent, ingenuity, and creativity. African designers and creatives are another form of rough diamonds who need mining, transforming, polishing to be propelled internationally and shine worldwide.
Our mission is to transform our continent’s creatives into powerful entrepreneurs, sustainable enterprises and brands generating long-term value for the continent.

Our unique selling proposition is our ability to connect talented African designers taking their roots and inspiration from the continent with key strategic stakeholders in the global fashion and creative scene.
We have built an ecosystem of experts with significant track records in sustainable value creation working with independent labels and international brands.
Through our rich and unique network, our brands will benefit from long-term opportunities for expansion (collaboration, distribution, exposure, access to key industry events etc.).

Our brands are selected based on the beauty and refinement of their creations. Through them, Birimian wishes to demonstrate that the African’s continent is a great source of aestheticism.

Our brands shall respect traditional and ancestral techniques, in particular the preservation of local craftsmanship through their production and manufacturing processes, creating a bridge to modern fashion.

Our brands should promote their identity, DNA , and a strong cultural heritage, inspired by African legends, history and tradition, re-interpreted and adapted to modern and contemporaneous codes.

Supporting the production of premium consumer goods in line with the best international standards is at the heart of our strategy. Achieving high-end quality in confection and production techniques will indeed be a prerequisite for our brands to access global markets.

Standing out from the crowd. Birimian’s mission is to catalyze visionary, bold and talented African creatives. Our curation strategy will rely on identifying and partnering with brands at the forefront of the creative scene, writing through their creation, the continent’s new narrative.